This module is a thematic studio based on the theme of “sustaining humanities’’—architecture for people, place and time. Designing for sustainability has been a fundamental issue for architects in our time within global and regional contexts. In line with the current discourse on sustainability, It upholds the belief that architecture can create better places, that architecture can affect society and humanity, and that it can have a role in making a place civilized by making a community more liveable.
   We were required to develop the design project proposed by our supervisor in a way that reflects the theme and finalizes a programme that addresses the needs of the required user group. This solution should also aim to provide spaces that invite interaction with the surrounding contextual conditions. In addition to the theme of sustaining humanities, the module focuses on the development of students’ ability to integrate considerations of technology, environmental sustainability and the broader cultural context into architectural design. This studio also offers a platform for us to develop our own position in developing our individual project.​Learning Outcomes:1. Produce design development drawings with a suitable level of complexity2. Design with considerations of building performance (thermal comfort, acoustic and lighting), regulatory frameworks, health and safety considerations.3. Produce drawings (both 2D and 3D), modelling, verbal presentation and a design report to communicate and visualize architectural design and ideas.Subsequent to Phase 2: Design Strategy and Sketch Design phase, we are required to develop environmental strategies and technological resolutions with the main intent to strengthen their design exploration/ideas, and complement their design through a comprehensive design report. This phase is carefully integrated with the Building Technology 2 module. 


O N     S I T E     S K E T C H E S
O N     S I T E     S K E T C H E S
O N     S I T E     S K E T C H E S
I D E A     D E V E L O P M E N T
E N V I R O N M E N T A L     A N A L Y S I S
U S E R     A N A L Y S I S
A N A L Y T I C     D I A G R A M
S I T E     C O N N E C T I O N
B U I L D I N G     S C A L E
Z O N I N G 1
Z O N I N G 2
Z O N I N G 3
G R O U N D     F L O O R     P L A N
F I R S T     F L O O R     P L A N
S E C O N D     F L O O R     P L A N
C O N C E P T U A L     S E C T I O N
I D E A L     P E R S P E C T I V E S
I N T E R I O R     I D E A L     S K E T C H E S





Sunday 25 December 2016
Posted by Unknown
Architecture Design Studio 5 focuses on the theme of place-making for the urban street. It aims to explore and provide appropriate architectural solutions in designing a community library for the city’s inhabitants. Students will begin by conducting preliminary studies in that introduces them to the studies and context of urbanity through the analysis and documentation of the current urban condition of a selected inner-city site. This will be done in concurrence with the research of urban infill and community library precedents, and their architectural responses.

By the end of the module, students will have developed an appropriate scheme for an urban contemporary community library within a dense inner-city street environment that takes into consideration an understanding of applicable current legislations, building technologies and cultural imperatives of the site and its surroundings.

Project 1 : Preliminary Studies

The Preliminary Studies is a preparatory assignment that focuses on investigating basic notions of the city, and learning from examples of community libraries around the world. This assignment aims to firstly introduce students to the basics in urban design and its relation to architecture, and secondly, studying and determining the programmatic function, societal role and spatial layout of a community library and architectural responses for urban infills.

Project 2 : Community Library

Right after the site analysis, students will concentrate on designing a community library within an urban infill site. The design of the building is to consist of appropriate architectural responses that address the aspects of the urban street context and user behavioural patterns as discerned and
analysed in the Preliminary Studies. Apart from developing an appropriate formal and elevational strategy in response to the character ofthe street, the design should take into consideration a holistic application of structural, spatial, functional and environmental requirements to address the user needs for a community library.

The site for this project is located in Sentul and facing to Jalan sultan Azlan Shah which is also known as Jalan Ipoh. We had done a lot of investigation and analysis about the site in the previous project  and we found out that plenty of people are living there, walking around the site. It is unbelievable but it is true that a dead ambient is presented with this high population on the site. The site itself does not lack of amount of people, it require more interaction within people living there or passing there. Therefore, a typical library which is just for people to read, study or research is definitely not enough for Jalan Ipoh, it need a library that evolved to a new stage that require more community spaces and activities to pull people together, strengthen their bond. The intention of my design is to give people a chance of having interaction within each other whether they want to come into the library. I came out with a concept of using the negative volume, the void between the split levels floors to pull all the people and information together.


Presentation Day:



Design Studio 5

Saturday 16 July 2016
Posted by Unknown

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