Posted by : Unknown Monday, 28 April 2014

Welcome, and thank you for joining me in this journey of becoming a future architect.I am happy to show you my experiences and all that I have learnt and still be learning. Enjoy.

Design Communication

This module introduces fundamental skills for the appropriate communication of architectural design. It engages different means of visualization and expression of space and spatial ideas through architectural drawings and modelling to prepare students with the skills required in Design projects. These skills are taught through a series of freehand, constructed drawing, and architectural modelling held both outdoors and in the studio.


  • Project 1 (a) On site sketching
  • Project 1 (b) 4 Hatching
  • Project 2 () Orthographic projections: plans, sections, elevations
  • Project 2 (b) Axonometric projection
  • Project 2 (c) Persp

Project 1

This project has been divided into 2 part which are 1A and 1B.

1A: On-site sketching

A first-hand conscious experience is important in the understanding and articulation of space. This
assessment introduced students to visualization and expression of space through on-site sketching
activity on campus.




Learning outcome:

1.To understand the notion of space in architecture.
2.To develop skills in visualizing of space through observation and perception of a given site
3.To develop skills in sketching as a mode of communication.


I've learned that perspective drawing is a drawing technique used to illustrate dimension through a flat surface. This assignment is intended to recognize potential for creativity , self-expression and visual awareness. Besides that , it is also intended to identify the fundamental principles, elements and techniques in sketching, drawing and design process. By doing the assignment, I've learnt the very basic skill of sketching and rendering of many different object and things. This have helped me a lot on my drawing skills after doing this assignment especially on my one point perspective drawing and two points perspective drawings, because I always do it wrongly in the past. 

1B: 4 Hatching

The exercise is designed to build upon the previous assignment; in developing one's skills in creating deppth and tone in a sketch, and thus refining and enhancing the ability to produce an architectural sketch that is legible.


imcompleted work

keep on going

Tracing outline from the original image






Learning outcome:

Four variations of sketching techniques based upon you're design studio prototype model.


I realised that hatching is an artistic technique used to create tonal or shading effects by drawing.The main concept is that the quantity, thickness and spacing of the lines will affect the brightness of the overall image, and emphasize forms creating the illusion of volume Hatching lines should always follow the form. By increasing quantity, thickness and closeness, a darker area will result.

Project 2

2A: Orthographic projections: plans, sections, elevations

This project is to represent a three-dimensional object in two dimensions along with drawing that communicates the shape and size of an object through a series of related two-dimensional views.

Progression and practice:

first try
second try


Learning outcome:

1. Demonstrate drafting skills in modern and traditional methods of architectural drawing.
2. Record and present clear and legible architectural information manually.
3. Identify and apply architectural conventions and symbols.
4. Demonstrate in pencil and ink examples of:
* line types
* line weights
* line quality
* hand lettering


Through this project, I've learned that orthographic projection is a way to represent a 3D object on a piece of paper. This means we make the object become 2D. The difference between orthographic Projection and any other drawing method is that we use several 2D views of the object instead of a single view.I also realized the importance of lineweight in this exercise to make my drawing better and clear.

2B: Axonometric Projection

Axonometric drawing is a good method of communicating and expressing an architectural idea - be it as a diagram at a fairly early stage of design process or presentation aid upon finalization of your design.


image taken from internet


Learning outcome:

1.Ability to express spatial ideas and architectural detail in three-dimension, in the form of an axonometric projection.
2.Understanding of what axonometric projection are, howto generate them and how to apply them to the design process and presentation
3.Ability to produce legible architectural drawings.


I think that Axonometric projection is a type of parallel projection used to create a pictorial drawing of an object, where the object is rotated along one or more of its axes relative to the plane of projection.

2C: Perspectives

This assessment introduces perspective as a mode of communication in architecture. To construct, firstly, one exterior (two point) perspective followed by one sectional perspective(one-point)In constructing both perspectives, demonstrate the ability to express spatial idea in 3-D form, understanding of 2-D and 3-D relation ships in architectural graphics, skills in drawing and composition creativity and complexity of drawing. 



Learning outcome:

1.Ability to express spatial ideas and architectural detail in three-dimension, in the format of one-point and two-point perspectives.
2.Understanding of what perspectives are, how to generate them and how to apply them to design process and presentation.
3.Ability to produce legible architectutal drawings with strong creative intent.


It is a way to show quality of space and I have learned how to make perspectives in scale. And also I learned how to render again. Although it took me for a long time, But I really enjoy the process. By the way, lineweight is also applied on it and make this drawing more legible and clear. Perspective is really one of the ways to show the space created , either exterior or interior, one point or two point.

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