Posted by : Unknown Wednesday, 10 December 2014



I am in a group of four and produce a video which is around 5 minutes and presented 10 conceptual model verbally about a reowned architect assigned by our lecturer. We showed the bibliography and works of Le Corbusier , who was one of the modern architects. Besides , 10 conceptual models and orthographic drawing were produced to show the design priciples of his selected work, Maison Jaoul.

Following is the video we made, posted on youtube:

Drawings of the Maison Jaoul:


 The conceptual models produced, according to Maison Jaoul:



The one on MDF boards are final models and the one behind are 


I've learned a lot about the subject architect, Le Corbusier , understand his contribution in modern architecture and brutalism style and adopted some of his primary design principles in my later projects.

PROJECT 2: Site Condition & Analysis and Birdwatch Tower @ Fraser’s Hill


We are required to produced a site analysis after going to a site visit in Fraser hill about hydrology and vegetation. Our group spent long time to differentiate the types of trees and find out the relationship between trees and site, and eventually , we analysis them.

 Following is the slides of site analysis :

Next, I formed a group with my course mate, Stanley to design bird watch tower for the subject of our design studio 2 module- the bird watch tower and construct a 1:50 scale model and an A1 presentation board from the concepts we obtained from the site visit. Following is the presentation board and model: The tower is named “Eyes of Tree”, derived from the concept of fusion that what we have been inspired by the site. Just like birds and trees become a mixture. Other element we used for designing the tower are central, vertical, light penetration, parallel and also rhythm. All of the element we found are also showed visually by conceptual models and sketches.

Conceptual models:


Draft Board:

Presentation Boards:

Final model:


 I've learned to look for inspirations from the mother nature as well as transforming the concepts adapted into physical drawings and conceptual models, finally putting thoughts and develop them into an actual building (bird watch tower).

FINAL PROJECT: Retreat House at Fraser’s Hill 


I am given the task to design a retreat house for the bird watch tower, I did some case study and developed my ideas through sketches and spatial arrangement exercise with models, as well as discussion during tutorial session with my tutor, Mr.Nazmy. On the other hand, I need to prepare three A1 size presentation board (explanation board, orthographic drawing , site anaylsis) and a 1:50 scale model of my retreat house for a formal presentation to external critics.

 Following is my presentation board: 

Draft Model:


Final model:


I've made another attempt to transform concepts into design, assorting several primary design concerns into one building. I also highlighted the importance of adequate and accurate design drawings to present my ideas thoroughly and clear to my 'clients'.

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