Posted by : Unknown Monday 28 April 2014


A chronological survey of the developments of Western architecture from the beginning of time to the period of Enlightenment, with consideration of the intellectual, aesthetic, technological, political and economic factors which have influenced the design of buildings. These issues are explored with reference to major contemporary examples and the work and philosophy of significant exponent.


  1. On-line Group Forum (Group work)
  2. Analysis Presentation Board (Individual work)
  3. Model (Group work)
  4. Verbal Presentation (Group work + Individual work) 


On-line group forum is used in this exercise as an effective virtual learning discussion platform for 
us to work as a team to help each other in exploring the precedent studies of a chosen 
building with cultural, historical and architectural significances. The building which was chosen for my group is Reims Cathedral.
The study of precedent required us to gather architectural information, so that they truly 
appreciate the essence of the building; have in-depth understanding of the building systems at 
work, as well as recognize the series of important elements that realize design aspects of the 
We in group of 4 are required to answer the questions listed below for the On-line Group Forum: 
1. Who is the architect or founder of the building? 
2. Where and when was the building built? 
3. What is the form, or shape of the building? 
4. What is the function or purpose of the building? 
5. What materials / methods are used for construction? 
6. What makes your building historically significant / meaningful? 

Our group forum link:

Analysis Presentation Board (Individual work)

We are required to include floor plans, building sections, analysis diagrams and sketches about the historical building that we are research on which is the Reims Cathedral, and the drawings that have been produced so that able to communicate the depth of analysis towards this building. The drawings are required to be hand-drawn or hand-written on only one A2 board. I've find tons of information of Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela on books and online.
The analysis include:
- Concept analysis (building concept and/or architect concepts)
- Building massing analysis (structure, geometry)
- Circulation Analysis
- Spatial Organization analysis (public vs. private, symmetry & balance, Unit to whole, Repetitive to unique,           Additive and subtractive, Hierarchy)
- Building section analysis.

The building for me and my groupmates to research is Notre Dame de Reims, which is also called Reims Cathedral.

individual board



light penetration


rose window

Model (Group work) 

We are required to create a model to communicate your analysis by using Balsa wood as material of model. The model meant to communicate the important structure, components, ideas and concepts of precedent. The model is 30 cm x 30 cm in dimension.



group work

group work

group work-plan

group work-light penetration

Learning outcome: 

1. To produce building analysis which document intentions, concepts, patterns, disciplines, 
architectural language and contextual relationships. 

2. To produce graphical development, expansion and elaboration of intentions, concepts, 
patterns, disciplines, architectural language and contextual relationships as integration to 
design project. 


Through this assignment, I was able to communicate and have a good team work with my fellow team members. I also get to know and understand deeper about the architecture style (Gothic style) through research online and books on the Reims Cathedral. Along the process of doing all the task of this assignment, I've learn the way to write an essay with minimum number of words but with tons of information and sketching to show more understanding about the research that have been done. Moreover, I've also learnt to cut Balsa wood in the proper way to protect the quality of wood that been cut out. Besides, I've also discovered basic architectural theory through a consideration of intentions, concepts, patterns, disciplines, architectural language and contextual relationships. Then able to examine architecture history through a chronological survey, looking at the intellectual, aesthetic, technological, political and economic factors which have influenced architectural design.

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