Posted by : Unknown Wednesday, 10 December 2014

Project 1: Architecture Heritage Building Analysis ( 

Group & Individual )


In a group of 5, we are required to select a modern architect for us to study. The evolution of Architecture was very rapid and revolutionary during the Modern Masters period as compared to other periods. We atre in a group of peers to investigate the Architecture of Modern Masters. We have to analysis the visual evidence with specific reference to Modern Masters as precedent studies.

For the group project, we are required to create a report A2 size presentation board about the principle, ideas and contributing factors of the architecture of modern master. For sure, drawings are also included.

Here is the group presentation board:

For my individual part, I was required to analysis about answering the “what” questions to further understand the underlying concepts, philosophy and detail of the modern masters in an A4 paper. It came out with analytic sketches to explain the COMPONENTS of the building.

Here is my work:


I have learned how to create understanding visually by composing factual information and descriptive sketches on a presentation board.

Project 2: Web Book ( Group & Individual )

In a group of 5 (same members as last project), we choose DTC, Dewan Tunku Canselor to carry out our architecture heritage building analysis. We went there a few times to visit the gallery and also interviewed the residents staying around there to get more information about this hall which is inside UM, University Malaya.

Some photos of DTC:

Here is the link of our web book:


I am able to analysis and specify architectural features of a building and it was a nice try to document architectural heritage in the form of writings, descriptive diagrams and photography

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