Posted by : Unknown Monday, 28 April 2014

Welcome, and thank you for joining me in this journey of becoming a future architect.I am happy to show you my experiences and all that I have learnt and still be learning. Enjoy.

Architecture Design Studio 1

This module is an introduction to architectural design, This preliminary design module aims to present and explore design through the expression of the individual perception of ‘self’ and the body. we went through a series of projects to build this skill and to make us understand more about the self.


  • Self-Expression through Object  (mask making)

  •  Life Capsule 

  • A Dream Space For A Dream Client

Project 1: Self-Expression through Object  (mask making)

This first project is an individual project, that helped us in understanding about our individual self through a series of creative ways we went through.
we first had to make a portrait representing our self.

Material exploration:


deep intersecting

bind by fasten together


This is a simple exploration about how to combine materials without using glue. What I have tried to do is intersecting and tie the wooden sticks together. Glue is mostly to be used in making model but other useful methods of combination are also cannot be ignored.

 Inital idea and rough model

initial idea




testing mask

side view of mask

back view of mask


presentation board

mask with me!

Learning outcome:

1. Draw my attention to subjective matters which play a major role in architecture
2. Create objects to communicate ideas and concept
3. To explore one form of generating design concept or idea
4. Construct a representational piece of art based on the initial ideas that have been abstracted and redefined through the process of translation and interpretation


This is the first project and make me explore the elements and principles of design
and applying design principles to communicate subjective ideas through objects.
And it is also give us a chance to introduce the basic methods of generating ideas and abstracting conceptual narratives for design. This exercise was like an ice-breaking project which provided me a chance to indirectly let others hear me out and know about me.

Project 2:Life Capsule 

The main aim of Project 2 is to heighten the awareness of us about the human body, interaction of  space and body, and explore the role of reasoning and logic in shaping the form. 
This will be done through designing a confined space which we call ‘Life Capsule’ for a 24-hour use. This limited space will challenge us to thoroughly examine and consider anthropometry and ergonomics -body  dimensions, body movements, human behaviours and user needs. We will then progress on to understand 
how the human body relates to space, and further developing an understanding of scale and proportion in  the relationship between the body and space.

Me and my teammates were designing a space for underwater research. Our concept is quite similar to a submarine.

Initial idea and rough model



draft and simple calculation



image from internet

human dimension


draft boards

draft boards

half-completed model

half-completed model

half-completed model

Interim presentation

ask for tutor's suggestion

board 1

board 2

Final product



model and board



board 1

board 2


Learning outcome:

1. To explore objective parameters of design process through solving real-life architectural problems 
2. Be able to differentiate and discern the role of scale and proportion in the relationship between the human body and a designed space or enclosure 
3. Understanding of human factors to the design of space ( size, shape, and how appropriate it is for the task) to improve comfort, safety, and productivity 
4. To explore the relation of form and function 


This project is like an exercise to me,it furthers the my concern about the needs of the user of the specific space.I found that this practice has introduced and created an awareness of scale and proportion of the human body.Human behavior in shaping the space and human dimension are much noticed by me. By the way, the most important thing is to explore how human anthropometry ( which was taught by Mr.Nick on the lecture ) and ergonomics relating to space.

Project 3 : A Dream Space For A Dream Client

Project 3, I was required to consider all those aspects (subjective and objective parameters) at the same time in designing a space. Going through this exercise I will get the real essence of how architectural design will start from a notion and develop through a process affected by multiple forces. 
This Project was divided into Part A and Part B
We shall begin with Part A where we will work on exploring several design principles, materializing some meanings and ‘reading’ architectural designs in a series of design tasks and studio based group exercises. 
In Part B, individually, start designing a dream space for a celebrity or a VIP.

Part A

board 1

board 2

board 3
Me and my groupmates Zi Cin have done some research on a horizontal building in Singapore which named by Interlace.

After that, we have an exercise. Creating a space which consist by entrance , pathway and focal point.

Rough model




another view



Final Model and Boards





another view

another view

another view

another view

model under light
presentation board with tracing paper

presentation board without tracing paper

completed board

Part B

Start designing and creating a space for my dream client , Emperor Qin , who was the first emperor in chinese history. A space for him to rest or think after hunting.

Rough model






brown board that I cut to make model

first board

second board

third bord

Final Model and Boards


model-elevation (sectional)

model-elevation (sectional)


model with boards

another view

another view
first board

second board

third board

Learning outcome:

1. Design a space that embodies and expresses an idea or conceptual narrative 
2. Be able to identify, articulate and apply basic design principles in spatial organization and relationships 
3. Be able to create, articulate and illustrate the poetics of spatial quality 
4. Be able to produce and choose wisely among variety type of models with the aim of generating and 
developing design as well as better presentation of idea 
5. Advance communication skills through sketching internal expression of space, diagrams and 
variety type of models 


From this project, I've further improvement of ability to create development of a conceptual narratiandve  able to introduce and create an awareness of the scale and proportion of the human body. Besides, I've also explore how human anthropometry and ergonomics relate to an inform space and learnt to introduce basic design principles and terminologies. Moreover, this assignment require us to know the method to demonstrate observation skills and be able to record, organize, interpret and describe a variety of issues via visual communications effectively and also know to manipulate variety of media and techniques to visualize ideas leading to a finish product. Along this assignment, I've learnt the development of ideas how to make a product more attractive my evolving it. Besides that, I've also learnt to organize a presentation board so that people who see it can understand it easily.(It is like a training for me to make a clear draft for my client to see in the future.)

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