Archive for July 2015

The objective of this module is to introduce structures as architecture by developing an understanding of the structural system in construction TECHNOLOGY. This module will discuss about solid, skeletal and surface construction system.

Upon commencing the first lecture of this module, we were briefed by the lecturer about the first project. Different with previous, we were the first batch to experience and to built up a 1:1 model using any kind of materials with the presence of skeletal framework.  The most important key factor was the platform of the Shelter must be elevated with legs supporting and must be able to withstand an average 60kg weight for 2 minutes. 

After finalizing the ideas, we start to choose the materials that we needed for our shelter. We are opt to use recycled materials for the shelter to reduce the cost as well as making it environmental friendly. Hence, we decide to use the wood pallet as our base and wood planks for the columns. Long synthethic banner is used for the roof of shelter.




Project 2: Understanding Forces in Solid Structures & Surface Structures

As for the Second Project, we were required to choose a building conprise of at least 2 construction method e.g. Solid & Surface structure and make a small scale sectional model showing its construction method. Same as the group in Project 1, we have choosen Pantheon as our building.



Individual Analysis

Building Construction 2

Friday 10 July 2015
Posted by Unknown

Project 1 : Analysing Passive Design Strategies

With no doubts, the job of an architect is to design buildings to provide shelter as well as comfort for dwellings. In 21st Century, dealing with thermal comfort is considered as a main task for architect in order to maintain the temperature within comfort zone while reducing the consumption of eletricity. Hence, this module has provided knowledge in terms of why we should provide passive design in our buidling and how should we apply it so that the building is habitable while cosumes low electricity. 

The building that we choosen was KLIA2. It is definitely a building that full of passive and active design features. It has high performance of facade system, roof using reflective material,demand control ventilation with CO2 sensor. KLIA2 is really an interesting building that we have managed to differentiate active and passive design strategies and further study on it.

Upon finishing this project, I have learnt about the way to identify and define the principles of heat transfer in relation to building and people. Besides that, I am able to identify the thermal comfort factors in a person and in a space. Last but not least, the main idea that I gain from this module is that we s an future architect must take thermal comfort into consideration when designing a building. 

Presentation boards :

Building Science 1

Thursday 2 July 2015
Posted by Unknown
PROJECT 1A: Precedent Studies:ANALYSING spatial poetics & spatial typologies in architecture

The intention of this project is to identify and analyze spatial order and spatial poetics through precedent studies.  In a group of 4, we need to select 2 precedents for analysis. One precedent must be pre-modern movement, and one precedent must be contemporary. Also, one precedent must be linear, and the other concentric. The analysis need to be done in multiple sheets of A3 papers.

The 2 buildings we chose as our precedent studies were HAGIA SOPHIA and CROWN HALL. We chose HAGIA SOPHIA as our pre-modern concentric building as we found that the floor plan itself is concentric and the history behind this building makes it unique and beautiful. Next, CROWN HALL was chosen as the linear modern building. Although the form of the building is very simple, the interior and the facades of the building has very interesting element in it. Through project 1A, I learned how to identify and analyze case studies with my group mates.

 precedent study: CROWN HALL

precedent study: HAGIA SOPHIA

1B: The Journey for the 5 Senses

For Project 1B, we are assigned to design 2 memorials with aa walked theme 'journey of 5 senses for Singapore's former president, Lee Kuan Yew and incident 'Lahad Datu' by using the design strategies based on Project 1A. In addition, we are required to produce A3 panels of with orthographic drawings and a physical model or digital model.

In this project, we learned how to describe different spatial types in architecture. We designed both of the buildings by incorporating the stages into it but in two different ways. The users will experience different kind of feelings while they enter different spaces. Also, we learned the importance to generate design through consideration of section-plan relationship with consideration of natural lights, human scale, materiality and texture. Furthermore, we managed to use AutoCad to produce our 2D orthographic drawings and we did a physical building for both buildings. Last but not least, we learned how to communicate and visualize our architectural ideas and design through verbal presentation.

Below are the presentation boards we did for Project 1.

 presentation board of Lee Kuan Yew's memorial

 presentation board of Lee Kuan Yew's memorial

 presentation board of Lahad Datu's memorial

presentation board of Lahad Datu's memorial


Here are some photos of the physical models:

 model of Lee Kuan Yew's memorial

 model of Lee Kuan Yew's memorial

 model of Lee Kuan Yew's memorial

 model of Lee Kuan Yew's memorial

 model of Lahad Datu's memorial

  model of Lahad Datu's memorial

  sectional model of Lahad Datu's memorial

models with inspiration models and drawings

Project 2: Genius Loci (Site Analysis and Concept Development)

Group Work: Site Conditions and Analysis

For this project, we were required to produce a mircro-site analysis of archaeoligical site in Lembah Bujang, Merbok, Kedah. The site analysis should consists of site survey, orientation (sun path), climate, site coutour, vegetation, view and etc. Through this group work, I learned the proper way to document, interpret and analyze the site context and produce a site analysis.

Individual Work: Personal Interpretation & Concept Development as a Response

For individual work, we need to propose a conceptual design of a Visitor Interpretive Centre. Firstly, we are required to produce sketches on site on 2 A3 panels which is inspirational that will be the concept of our Visitor Interpretive Centre. From this individual work, I managed to convey and communicate my feelings through the sketches I did. Then, I concluded my sketches and developed the concept and my building.

Initial idea of sketches

Final Sketches

sketch 1

sketch 2

I use concept 'missing link' to link all the sketches together and produce my building. Its about layers underground was elevated up to let human kind experience what the underground treasure had gone through. The openings represent the damages caused during excavating process and the curviness represent the way of digging to avoid hitting on the underground stuff. The openings allows natural lights coming in and create a poetic space of experiencing the hurt that the treasure underground felt.

presentation board 1

presentation board 2

presentation board 3

presentation board 4

other perspective view of 3d model

 inspiration model: Layers under ground

pattern of layers represent of site history or site context

eg. historical lines go smoothly but people or development come in by erasing them

presentation day

Project 3:  Genius Loci (Visitor Interpretive Center-VIC)

The objective of this project is to propose a design scheme which response to the site, functional programme and users' experience. The VIC needs to be 2-storeys within 450sqm, including internal and external spaces. There are 2 main purposes of this VIC. First purpose is to provide accommodation to display relevant and interpretive materials for public access and information. Second purpose is to to provide a point of reference that keeps alive the history/culture/memory of that site.

When I was at the site, what I think that impress me the most is the interruption of people. I ve tried to visualized what is in my mind , so this is the historical lines , they go smoothly, and people start to come in by affecting and erasing them. The intersection part is not clear , blur, splitting and I called it missing.

There is also 1 more thing that is famous and inspiring there which is the archaeological activity.

 I ve simplified the excavation on site in to 5 steps of excavation and I want to transform it in an architectural way to perform my concept revival.

presentation boards

Design Process

Ground floor plan

First Floor Plan

Rooftop Plan


Side Elevation

Front Elevation

Section A-A

Section B-B

Poetic spaces that converted from archaeological process

Green Building Design Strategies

Exterior Rendering


Design Studio 3

Wednesday 1 July 2015
Posted by Unknown

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