Posted by : Unknown Thursday 10 December 2015

Thinking | architecture

Instructor: Tony Liew

Project 1: Think sheet

A think sheet is a single page typewritten submission of our thoughts in response to an assigned reading. Each of our think sheet should be personal and should reflect our own experiences and values as they relate to the subject of the class. They should be well written and carefully proofread.

It is not about book review. We are not to repeat points made in the reading and comment on them. It is also not meant to be a literary criticism. We should not be giving a critique of the reading or to the author's point of view.

The think sheet should document our own thoughts in response to the reading. It need not even be on the same topic as the reading, although it is important that we identify what it was in the reading that stimulated our thoughts.

The think sheet is to be turned in at the beginning of each class. We are to submit 8 think sheets.

Below are my think sheets which exposed my personal thoughts:

Project 2: personal values statement: defining personal values for design

In this project, we are required to produce a personal value statement (pvs) to outline our characteristics and define our personalities. No two persons are the same. This is a personal endeavor starting by completing a basic traits survey followed by exploration and deep introspection in order to gain or renewed perspective of ourselves.

A PVS is a paper that should be well written and intended to raise the consciousness of our own background, experiences, and abilities to promote experience in design that are consistent with our personal values. Its purpose stems from the notion that design solutions result not only from objective criteria of user needs, site demands, available technologies, economic constraints, etc. but also from an often hidden agenda of a designer attitudes or theories. It is hoped that, by making these explicit, you can not only sharpen skills in bringing such attitudes to their full fruition, but also progress toward a clearer, more thoughtful formulation of our personal design values.

This is my personal value statement (pvs):

And this is my Narrative Video:

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