Posted by : Unknown Tuesday 7 June 2016

First visitation:
From what lecturers brief us before in class, I knew that PPKKCKS is a center taking care for children with mental and physical disabilities such as Autism, Down Syndrome, Mental Retardation. Before reaching, I imagine the children may not willing to communicate with us or scared or disliked our coming since they were living among themselves for a long time. On the other hand, I also expected that this trip may be not that easy to accomplish our decision which was holding on a creative drawing session as I was not familiar mental and physical situation.
Finally, I with my worries reached PPKKCKS and the first impression of the kids is different from what I expected. They are actually more active than I thought .Some of them extremely friendly and seemed like they have awaited visitors to bring them some joyful and different experience to their immutable daily life. I can remember clearly that a girl which I previously misunderstand her as a boy, always smiling ran to us and keep asking for hug when we first arrived. I was shocked at first but soon pleased that our arrival did not irritate them but they are happy to have us visiting. They made me feel so comfortable and my worries before vanished. I noticed that these children were actually much disciplined but being likely to respond to anyone that try to communicate with them.
For this visitation, we tried to understand their thinking in order to create some activities which are suitable for them in the next few weeks.

me with the kid asking for hug

Second visitation:
            After few discussion within the members of the activities group, we decided to have a drawing session for the main activity of our second visitation. Unfortunately, not every children are having a chance to attend this activity due to their ability to act after we made a confirmation with the principal of PPKKCKS. We brought a sufficient amount of drawing blocks, watercolor brushes and some dry leaves as well. After we arrive, we let all the children alternatively sit together so even the children that couldn’t draw could somehow participate in our activities.
            The children tend to draw what they like, mostly the object around them. One of the children, Ng, kept discussing with me while she was drawing. Every colour she used represented something and she wanted me to take many photos of her with her drawings. I could feel the sense of accomplishment from her smile. How satisfying and fulfilling she was. There is another child drew all out eyes to her drawing. The cartoon characters she drew were almost the same with what the TV was playing.
We appreciated about how much they enjoying the activity we plan for them and we decided to improve it for the next time.

watercolor brought

start drawing

kids drawing

kids drawing

me and one of the kid, Ng

Ng and her drawing

we drew these together

talented kid

drawing that similar to the actual cartoon characters

drawings done by kids

Third visitation:
            To arouse the creativity of the children, we use brought some sponges, chalks, buttons and masking tapes as our “drawing equipment”. For this time, they were more familiar with the color and have a sense of creating a drawing by the stuff we provided. We had slightly changed the plan from the last time. Larger papers were used for the drawings so that three to four needed to share one paper. Instead of quarreling or fighting to get oneself a chance to draw on the paper, the nicely worked together, discussed among themselves in order to complete the artwork. After the drawing session, some of the children were even volunteering to help us cleaning the equipment. The kids were friendly than I thought and they always satisfied us at the end of thee day.
kids were sharing one paper

contributing together

drawing done by the kids

Art Exhibition:
Few weeks after visiting to PPKKCKS, we were arranged to help up in art exhibition in Taylor’s Lakeside University. Before that, our group have gathered to design posters and articles for the art exhibition. We discussed together on how to make our posters digitally and the way to display the kids’ artworks in order to make the exhibition more attractive. During making of posters, I have experienced how to draw people eyes by the graphic and the inspiring words. On 30 May, all the group members were preparing for the exhibition few hours ago before it started. I helped setting up by pasting the name tags of drawings on the panels and cooperating with the fund raising group in order to promote this exhibition. Soon there were visitors, I explained to them about how these drawings were created and the initiatives of us doing this. I have learnt to communicate with others and answering their questions.
From the conversation with the visitors, I found out that a lot of them had heard of PPKKCKS. They care about these children and some of them even asked me if I could sell them the drawings or they could donate. We invited the children to the exhibition to enjoy their own gallery. We let the children to draw on spot as this the activity they familiar with. More people were attracted by them and started to have a look on their drawings.
After that, we enjoyed a lovely meal together which was treated by our lecturers, Ms.Suja and Ms.Salvi. Before the kids went back to PPKKCKS, we gave them a photobook that made of their drawings as souvenir and took a group photo. After the exhibition ended, all of us went back satisfied.





fund raised for the kids

photobook was handed over to the principlal of PPKKCKS 

group photos of group members

group photo



As a student, I realized that there were a lot of people that we should care from the society. Community Service Initiative is a very good platform for us by not just encouraging us to know about them in basic need but also inspire us to take action, create connection within them and us. I also touched by people who supported our art exhibition in Taylor’s Lakeside University. I felt that the society is still full of caring person that are willing to care, love and contribute to make the world better. Besides, I realized that Malaysian are more art conscious than I thought. There were a lot of visitors who are students and lecturers visited to the art exhibition and enjoy themselves in there.
Throughout the whole event, I learnt not to criticize people before understanding their situation. I learnt that everyone have their gift and their losses, nobody is perfect. So we should think about others’ feeling before making perception. I appreciated that I was given the chance to meet with those disabilities people that change my perception of imperfect.

I had such a great time interacting with them, that I could see myself later in life becoming very passionate and directing my career toward working with disabled children.  We have so much to learn from them, and it was nothing but a rewarding experience getting to know and learn about each and every child there.

Taylor's Graduate Capabilities accessed throughout the whole project:

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